

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Queen of Dairy Queen

Queen of Dairy Queen

Hanging out with me tends to end in ice cream. Or begin AND end with ice cream. :) After speaking at my grandfather’s funeral about his love of ice cream, it only seemed appropriate to celebrate with a lil DQ run between the service and the family meal.


Many relatives came in from out of town. My grandmother and aunt from the other side of the family, as well as my brother and I, had a delightful lil ice cream break. A cousin’s family tagged along, too - we all thought Grandpa would appreciate our tasty toast!


I’ve been really wanting to try the Creamsicle dipped cone but alas! I missed the seasonal window. Butterscotch was a pretty good substitute. We also got a cherry dip, the harvest berry pie blizzard, and just a lil twist for Grandma.

Lipstick and ice cream, is this how to personal brand? 😂

Lipstick and ice cream, is this how to personal brand? 😂

This brings me to 2/2 funerals within the last year where I’ve gotten ice cream afterward. You ever do anything fun with all the family and friends you have around to mark a sad occasion?



Fairway Creamery Again!

Fairway Creamery Again!