

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Carry-out: Mario

Carry-out: Mario

My first exposure to Cold Stone Creamery was when the new mall was built in my neck of the woods when I was in high school. I think my introduction to the concept of customized ice cream blended on a cold stone (…) in front of you was the Maggie Moo’s at Crown Center back in the day. My thought back then was pretty similar to my thought now - good stuff, a little overwhelming in terms of number of options, and the suggested flavors were all so expensive! (Well, other than nowadays, I’ve learned to hack the system and order a triple pint.) Anyhow, a friend messaged me about Mario’s Super Birthday Blast, and it seemed worth trying.


I enjoy Mario as much as the next very casual observer, but I didn’t grow up on video games. I think my first extended Mario experience was I ended up with a version on my TI-83, until it crashed a few months later. Ha! I’m not sure I could’ve told you that Mario’s older than me, though. The flavor celebrates the game’s 35th birthday, and is comprised of cake batter ice cream with yellow cake, bright blue frosting, and star sprinkles.


It was fine! It tastes like… sugar with a side of sugar. Which is fine, nothing wrong with that, but there’s not much going on, texture-wise. Loyal readers will know I like my ice cream chunky! (Cue the problematic Madagascar hippo song.) The yellow cake got smushed in the cold stone process, I think. But, cheers to Mario!

Seven Swans Creperie

Seven Swans Creperie

Carry-out: Fairway Creamery

Carry-out: Fairway Creamery