

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Stay Home: Blueberry Goat Cheese

Stay Home: Blueberry Goat Cheese

I never dreamed I’d make so much ice cream. Gosh, when my brother and sister in law gifted me the ice cream freezer, I smiled and wondered if I’d ever use it. How far we’ve come!!! This recipe is one I flagged in Joy the Baker’s cookbook as something that I could do with ingredients and appliances I have at home. This recipe isn’t on her website but this flavor looks similar.


I was impressed with the performance of my garage sale blender, ha! This ice cream was pretty easy to put together, and it tasted divine topped with fresh bluebs and Askinosie cocoa nibs, but it sure froze awfully solid. Like… needs to sit out for half an hour before serving solid. I’d want to experiment with the consistency before I served this to people I wanted to impress.


But it was tasty, and cute! What more can ya ask for :)

Stay Home: Strawberry a la Betty

Stay Home: Strawberry a la Betty

Stay Home: Coolhaus

Stay Home: Coolhaus