

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Stay Home: Bi-Rite Blitz!

Stay Home: Bi-Rite Blitz!

I have written before about my favorite ice cream cookbook, Sweet Cream and Sugar Cones from Bi-Rite Creamery in San Francisco. I love it because it explains the ins and outs in a friendly, approachable way, and isn’t dripping with douchebaggery. (I’m not sure I’ll ever forgive a popular ice cream line for its cookbook which starts out with “I didn’t know how to make my dreams come true, but then my boyfriend bought me a $2000 ice cream machine.” What??? Sounds like your dreams were pretty easy to access.) I’ve posted about my absolute favorite ice cream I’ve made, malted dark chocolate, as well as ricanelas, caramelized banana, and cheesecake ice cream.


So, with Anne and Alex moving across the country (which involved being where I am for a few days), I decided to go all out and make it all!


Pictured top to bottom, we’ve got malted dark chocolate, brown butter toasted pecan, caramelized banana, and ricanelas. Astute readers may recall that I’ve made BBTP before using a different recipe. The Bi-Rite recipe was HIGHLY superior to what I tried before. The flavor of the ice cream is rich, buttery, and sweet, and the toasted nuts (instead of candied nuts) add the perfect texture without freezing solid.


I’m very loyal to Malted Dark Chocolate, and the BBTP was a VERY close runner-up in my book. Which would you try?

Carry-out: Frozen Gold

Carry-out: Frozen Gold

Carry-out: Queen of the Cones

Carry-out: Queen of the Cones