

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Stay Home: Cheesecake Ice Cream

Stay Home: Cheesecake Ice Cream

I’ve written before about how much I enjoyed the Bi-Rite cookbook, and here’s another couple of recipes I tried: cheesecake ice cream and berry compote.


I think next time I’ll make sure to incorporate graham cracker crumbles or some sort of crunch, but the cheesecake flavor was outstanding!


The compote, made of strawbs and raspberries, was an excellent topping! I’ve sure been putting the immersion blender and food processor to work. Ha!


What would you pair with cheesecake ice cream? I’m thinking hot fudge and oreos for next time :)

Carry-out: Betty Rae's

Carry-out: Betty Rae's

Carry-out: Cuento Coffee

Carry-out: Cuento Coffee