

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Stay Home: Rockin' Ricanelas

Stay Home: Rockin' Ricanelas

I’ve sung the praises of Malted Dark Chocolate, and another gem from the Bi-Rite cookbook was Ricanelas. The brand name of a Mexican cookie I’ve never sampled, it’s essentially snickerdoodle ice cream. Hard to go wrong with cinnamon sugar!


A cup of cookie crumbles… yummm. This flavor was very fun to make, and it turned out soooo delicious!


I’m a chocolate chip cookie gal at heart, but it’s not like I’m going to turn up my nose at ANY cookie (well, maybe oatmeal raisin). Snickerdoodles might not be my #1 but they’re pretty good!! This recipe started with cinnamon base, and then mixed cookie pieces in to freeze.


In case you were wondering, yes, it was also delicious served with home-made caramel sauce. What’s your favorite kind of cookie? Would you eat it in an ice cream?

Carry-out: Cuento Coffee

Carry-out: Cuento Coffee

Carry-out: Cake by the Ocean

Carry-out: Cake by the Ocean