

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Stay Home: Oreo Fail

Stay Home: Oreo Fail

Here’s what happened. I was churning two batches of ice cream at the same time in my two freezers. I still had a partial batch of vanilla remaining. Once I’d cleaned up the first round of ice cream, I threw the rest of the vanilla on a churn with the intent of adding Oreos at the end. Who doesn’t love cookies n cream??


As the ice cream churned for 20+ minutes, it didn’t look the same as the initial batches looked. I still threw in the cookies when it got to 25 minutes. Guess what, it still didn’t look the same… kind of soupy, not so solid… it poured out of the freezer, I didn’t have to scrape it. No big deal, I thought! My equipment had warmed up too much. I threw everything back in the fridge/freezer as appropriate to get to workable temperatures.


And yet. Still soupy after a second run through the churn.


What else can I do? I drank it like a milkshake. Sometimes these things happen. We’re all just doing our best right now, and that’s enough.

Stay Home: Cookie No-Dough

Stay Home: Cookie No-Dough

Stay Home: Vanilla Ice Cream + Salted Caramel Sauce

Stay Home: Vanilla Ice Cream + Salted Caramel Sauce