

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Mini Treats!

Mini Treats!

This is a fun one. Sometimes I’m tempted by frozen novelties at the grocery store. Sometimes they are better than others. Sometimes I lose the box in the freezer and throw out the last smushed ice cream bar months later. Let’s dive in!


Mini mint chocolate klondike bar. Found in a “DISCO ICE CREAM” end cap! (I think it meant discount but it was eye-catching.) I’ve always found klondike bars kind of boring to consume. The mini was better. 2/5 popsicle sticks.


Pop tarts ice cream bar (also pictured at the top of the post). Tasted like a pop tart; did not taste like ice cream. Note that the package does not actually use the phrase “ice cream.” You’d think a scholar such as myself would know the legal definition of ice cream but what can ya do. Fun to try. 3/5 popsicle sticks.


Aldi ice cream oreos… yes, they were labeled as “minis,” but I truly did not expect them to be oreo sized!!! These were fine but it definitely wasn’t satisfying to just have one. The cookies were very soft/not great consistency. 2.5/5 popsicle sticks.


Blue Bunny mini s’mores drumstick. This was good! I liked the marshmallow coating. I tend to be drawn to mini novelties - if I want to have a big serving of ice cream, I’d rather just eat ice cream than a novelty! :) 4/5 popsicle sticks.


Magnum mini ruby ice cream bars… ok. I was first exposed to Magnum ice cream bars when I was 20 years old and fortunate enough to spend a semester in London. I see them more and more in my Missouri grocery stores, and found these gems at Aldi! They were rich and tasted higher-quality than many other novelties… but I’m taking a point off because they’re pink and lumpy and aesthetically awkward. 4/5 popsicle sticks.

As you can see, I haven’t been hugely impressed with my ice cream novelty impulse purchases! What do you recommend I try next? My ideal ice cream novelty was when we’d get Schwann’s ice cream sandwiches in my childhood, and that first night we opened the package, the cookies were soooo crisp… in retrospect I guess that’s just because the freezers on the Schwanns truck were colder than the home freezer and froze the cookie solid. But it was a pleasing texture!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Homemade Vanilla

Homemade Vanilla