

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Stay Home: Waffle Cones

Stay Home: Waffle Cones

Ok, so, I’ve been teaching in person since September and making ice cream is truly a massive time commitment. Let’s be honest, it hasn’t been happening. But! I snagged a waffle cone maker on ebay at some point (my apologies to my mother who’d been planning to give me one for Christmas), and I decided I could try my hand at the skill.


I used the recipe on the box and I’d say it turned out pretty well! I’ve still got some practice to do before I’d be happy serving these at a party… but lucky for me, it will be quite some time before I go to any parties. I think the trick is to cook them a little longer than you think you need to - the waffles that were too soft didn't hold together once I filled them with ice cream.


Waffle bowls, of course, are a little easier to shape than cones. You just plop it in a bowl and push it down. For the cones you gotta use the shaper-thingy, and then… pinch the end together? I have not yet perfected that piece, so I melted some chocolate for the bottoms of my cones to make them leak-proof. What can I say, I’m a problem-solver :)


But if I’m being honest, I was happy to “destroy the evidence” of my mistakes in the meantime. Ha! Do you prefer waffle cones, cake cones, or sugar cones?

Carry-out: Custard's Last Stand

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