Back to Belfonte
I don’t know if I’ve written about this before but I volunteer at KC Pet Project. I started in January 2018, looking to make a change in my life. (For those counting, Laila came home with me three months later - mission accomplished!) I can’t be up there all the time but I try to put in quality time. I’m especially inspired by the fact that the shelter doesn’t just serve animals - it serves families and it serves the community. Contact me privately if you want to talk more about that (or google Human Animal Support Services), but in the meantime, local bae Belfonte is also a fan of Pet Project!
The shelter has been full, full, full this summer, and has hosted various promotions and adoption specials to get animals into homes. During the recent Back to School Adoption Event, Belfonte not only donated 200 pints of ice cream (including 16 vegan pints - so thoughtful!), but also provided a pizza meal for staff and volunteers. While I was not present the day of the initial celebrations, I led a new volunteer tour the next morning, and the volunteer coordinator was delighted to tell me that there was still ice cream in the lobby!
Naturally, I dug until I found cookies ‘n’ cream, and you KNOW it didn’t disappoint! Thanks, Belfonte!
Reach out to me with any questions about volunteering at Pet Project :) or adopting a shelter pet! My cookies ‘n’ cream pup makes me so happy!!