

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Curbside: Fairway Creamery

Curbside: Fairway Creamery

Here’s the thing. Laila (my pup) and I had an extremely bad experience at our neighborhood vet. I did my research and found a different vet I wanted to take us to… and it’s next door to Fairway Creamery. What choice do I have but to get Laila acclimated to the new space by driving there and taking her for a walk around the grounds and getting ice cream? I want her to LIKE the new vet, after all!


This vet office is also actually giving a shit about the current pandemic, unlike our old vet and which I appreciate, so we haven’t actually been able to get in for an appointment. (I don’t want her first visit to be “curbside.”) So we have had lots of time to practice “I like it when we go here!” The first visit I got her a complimentary pup cup, but that is designed for a much smaller dog than her… it was gone in the blink of an eye! Since then Laila gets a kids’ cup of vanilla, and I have tried a variety of things.


I have tried: salted caramel cookie butter soft serve (directly above), banana rum soft serve, the “sundae at the K” baseball-themed sundae (top of post) with butterscotch, peanuts, and caramel corn on vanilla bean soft serve, and a scoop of sweet cream with a scoop of waffle cone french toast. I’ve determined that soft serve is more my jam for these casual visits than the sorts of super-extra concoctions I’d normally enjoy.


The online ordering is pretty slick, and from my experience, instantaneous. Laila and I take a walk, then I stick her in the car with the AC running, order online, and walk up and it’s ready. As of when I’m writing this (6/30) Fairway has an excellent low-contact setup going, with a table outside for orders and all staff wearing masks. I am happy to be able to responsibly enjoy their ice cream… and Laila is, too! Fingers crossed for success with the vet.

Stay Home: Malted Dark Chocolate

Stay Home: Malted Dark Chocolate

Stay Home: Strawberry a la Betty

Stay Home: Strawberry a la Betty