

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Editor's Note

Editor's Note

This is not fun to write, and I’ve been dreading it. However I feel it is necessary given my previous amount of support toward this establishment.

I will no longer be supporting Betty Rae’s. There is a lot of information out there about alleged misconduct from the owner. This local news story summarizes the allegations AND includes a statement from him. You’re right, I don’t know the whole story. But I do know that seeing the owner screaming at customers in the comments on social media, including the comment “I built this in 4 years and if I burn it in a day it’s my choice,” makes me feel unsafe. I do not want to support him. I no longer recommend this business. Please consider Fairway Creamery or Paleteria Tropicana (which I haven’t written up yet!!) instead, or One More Scoop if you’re further south. Um, and I guess I’m seeking recommendations for the best Northland ice cream!

I will be adding a link to this post to the top of my previous posts about Betty Rae’s.

Wishing you the best holiday possible. A bummer post like this feels right for 2020.

Sending love, and let me make you waffle cones, you don’t need to get them from Betty Rae’s.

Stay Home: Tiny Donuts!

Stay Home: Tiny Donuts!

Stay Home: Hot Chocolate Bombs!

Stay Home: Hot Chocolate Bombs!