

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Fox's Drugs

Fox's Drugs

I am passionate about supporting places that are walkable from my 1950’s-built suburban home, which…is not that many. But I try!! There’s the coffee shop/brewery down the street (half an hour one way by foot), there’s the pizza place, there’s the high school if I feel like a football game or school play. And there is Fox’s Drugs, a pharmacy-turned-soda fountain. I don’t know a whole lot about the history of the establishment but ever since Gary Lyon closed the pharmacy a couple years ago, Nancy Lyon has been running the lunch counter/soda fountain, and it is the most charming lil neighborhood spot!


Half the fun is visiting with Nancy. She’s very outgoing and makes you feel at home! When the next customer walked in, she greeted him and said, “Alexa, play ABBA!” all in the same breath - apparently this little old man is known for his love of ABBA. Frankly, I stan. I asked Nancy’s advice on whether to order chili or the soup of the day (home-made vegetable beef) and she said “why not get a cup of each?” Reader, I did it. Both were delicious! But you know why I was really there…


Can’t go wrong with a chocolate malt! The 3-headed shake machine (faaar left in the next pic) is original to the establishment, and is lovingly maintained by Nancy with the help of a repair person she found in rural Kansas.


I’m so tickled that a place this cute and homey is in my neighborhood. The 50s aesthetic, the neighborly vibes, the good eats! I gotta take more Saturday walks in that direction. What’s your favorite place to walk to?

Velvet Freeze

Velvet Freeze

