

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Christmas at Clinton's

Christmas at Clinton's

Ok, so you may have noticed that this blog exists outside of the temporal restraints of things like “seasons” and “months,” with me sometimes posting weeks after the fact. Imagine my surprise when I visited Clinton’s in July to be greeted with a holiday streetscape!

Hark, it was the Chiefs Christmas movie! I craned my neck and gawked with the best of them, but alas, no sign of Taylor Swift’s mother-in-law.

I got peanut butter ice cream waffles. Such a cute idea - chocolate peanut butter ice cream with pb sauce and reese’s cups, served with waffle cone “chips.” You know I go hard for a fresh waffle cone so the chips left something to be desired, but it was a fun effect nonetheless!

How sweet!! I couldn’t help but think of Merry Little Meet Cute, a romance novel (also linked to KC!) that’s set in a year-round Christmas town where made-for-tv movies are filmed. And if you’ve made it this far, you get a bonus Deep Thought from Marie: a lot of the charm of Clinton’s is based on the historical/Harry Truman aspect of it. I was like, hmm, people really love Truman around here (he’s from Independence), didn’t he… didn’t he… and sure enough, a quick google confirmed what my high school history classes did not cement, Truman did in fact kill A LOT of civilians (atom bombs). But gosh darn it, he worked at a charming ice cream counter a few decades prior to that!

Monthly Mad Cakes!

Monthly Mad Cakes!

Salt and Straw Birthday Cake!

Salt and Straw Birthday Cake!