

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Salt and Straw Birthday Cake!

Salt and Straw Birthday Cake!

Salt and Straw, the darling of the PNW, in my own midwest backyard! Today’s post is dedicated to Bethany, who sent me this delicacy as soon as it was released! Thank you!

Y’all know I love Salt and Straw, with their premium ingredients and always-interesting flavor combos. I was shocked when I came home to a large box of dry ice and this festive birthday treat! Just released this spring, “The Cake” is described by the brand as “seven hand-packed layers of rainbow-flecked yellow cake, Double Fold Vanilla ice cream swirled with blackberry jam, tangy cream cheese frosting, and, of course, sprinkles.” It was so beautiful and so scrumptious! Blackberry is not a flavor that I think of when it comes to birthday cake but this combo really works.

My favorite part was the cake crumblies on top, but all of the layers blended together beautifully!

Delicious from any angle! Thanks again, B! This was such a fun treat! And in case y’all were wondering, I sliced it up and froze it in tupperware to nibble at on my leisure :)

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