

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Nutella Cafe

Nutella Cafe

There I was in Chicago for a conference with a friend and co-leader of the teachers’ org, and what shone like a beacon just around the corner from the hotel? Why, the Nutella Cafe, of course!

The most cursory of googles shows that this is in fact the only Nutella cafe - so far? Seems like a great idea if you ask me. They had a variety of Nutella-inclusive desserts (I, of course, go the gelato), and I totally would have bitten for their schtick of getting a personalized jar of Nutella if I had checked a bag. They really gotta figure out how to make that carry-on friendly!

The rich gelato came with a lil cookie on the side, and it was also a Nutella-filled delight! Search “Nutella biscuits” and it looks like they’re available to buy online.

Anyhow, the Nutella Cafe, sure it’s touristy but it’s cute and yummy. Check it out when you’re in downtown Chicago!

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