

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Paletería El Chavo

Paletería El Chavo

I’ve only been to a paletería once before, and not since I started this blog. It was brightly colored and overwhelming and delicious! Well, I’m here today to report on a paletería, hope you’re ready to feast your eyes!


What are my favorite foods? Mexican and ice cream. Where’s your one stop shop for those passions? A paletería, such as Paletería El Chavo in Independence. What do they serve? Lots of flavors of ice cream. Gaudy toppings. Extravagant fruit creations. Popsicles of perfection. Plus tortas and tacos and elotes and truly everything delicious in this world.


My first course was elotes (that cup was allegedly a small!), and my second course was chorizo tacos. All of it was excellent and fresh. But I think we’re all here to talk about the dessert course.


I stepped back into line, peering into the case. A worker was instantly present to answer my questions and enthusiastically offer samples. I tried cotton candy, pistachio (yes I was choosing based by color), and then she started handing me samples to fill the time while I pondered - gansitos, peanut. I ordered a sundae, and was directed to pick three flavors. I picked gansitos - a Mexican snack cake (think Little Debbies), birthday cake, and a bright yellow vanilla. The doctoring up? All of that came with it!!!


Lovely even as it melts together. The extras included a THICC layer of chocolate shell (served from a tiny crock-pot!), whipped cream, sprinkles, cherry on top, a strawberry wafer cookie, and a chocolate water roll. O M G. I need to spend more time at paleterías - I feel like Mexican ice cream places really meet me where I’m at in terms of being EXTRA with ice cream!


And yes, it all tasted at LEAST as good as it looked. Check out the chunk of Gansito cake! Perfection. Have you ever been to a paletería?



Sugar and Spice

Sugar and Spice