

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Westport Ice Cream Bakery

Westport Ice Cream Bakery

Oh. My gosh. I’ve only been to Westport Ice Cream Bakery twice but I can’t wait to visit again. Come for the candy-coated cones, stay for the hand-made ice cream, return with the $2 bill they give you for change, which is worth double on your return visit!

I’m normally in the mood for something more ~interesting~ than chocolate ice cream but their Chocolate Velvet is OUTTA THIS WORLD! The flavor, pictured above, prompted this conversation with my mother:

I also managed to get it all over my white shirt, oops.

I also managed to get it all over my white shirt, oops.

My first visit involved pretty Cotton Candy-flavored ice cream.


Located in a cozy corner of the Westport area of Kansas City, the Ice Cream Bakery is well worth a visit the next time you’re in the neighborhood for daylight instead of debauchery. Or maybe you’re like me and you’d sooner debauch with a pint of ice cream than a pint of beer :3


I can’t wait to go back. What’s a treat you’re dying to try (or re-try)?

Fairway Creamery

Fairway Creamery

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