

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Bliss Chocalatier

Bliss Chocalatier

I got a hot tip on instagram (thanks, Megan!) about Bliss Chocolatier’s ice cream within DAYS of when they started selling it! Like any self-respecting ice cream blogger, I ambled out to it as soon as I got a chance.

Bliss Chocolatier began as, indeed, a chocolate shop, and their bonbons certainly rival well-known local chocolate phenoms on looks alone! Alas, I have not yet sampled the chocolate itself. The ice cream is a recent addition and it is a delicious one! I got peanut butter chocolate ripple and dark chocolate with honeycomb toffee (ohhh I am remembering the names as precisely as I can, my apologies!). Both were v v good! My mother also got chocolate peanut butter, and my dad got roasted strawberry and I believe pineapple orange sorbet.


Honestly, colorful chocolates + florals is the way to my heart. I’ll def swing by the next time I’m in the neighborhood!



Sweet Cups

Sweet Cups