

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Freezing Moo

Freezing Moo

I’ve had rolled ice cream before but not since I started the blog… let me tell you, I had so much fun at Freezing Moo! The teens behind the counter seemed to be enjoying themselves, my waffle bowl was hot off the presses, the radio was blasting hits from before the employees were born (MMBOP was blaring when I walked in!)… love!


While their website describes this treat as “Thai fried ice cream rolls” (fried ? ? ? ?? ?), this iconic dessert is made by mixing ingredients with liquid ice cream mix. Kind of like cold stone except you’re starting with a liquid rather than a scoop. It is SUCH a fun process, and I was delighted by the syrup being poured on in the shape of a cow!


I ordered the Mucho Mango - ice cream blended with mango, strawberry, and condensed milk. I topped it with pineapple and strawberry fruit bubbles (MUCH better consistency than the sonic bursting bubbles, if you were wondering!!!). It was a lovely treat for a hot day! Have you tried rolled ice cream?

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