

Savor some sweetness with me, won’t you?

Paletas, Please!

Paletas, Please!

You know what’s really hard to photograph? A POPSICLE. You know what’s harder to photograph than a popsicle? TWO POPSICLES!!!! Alas, let’s hope I’ve learned my lesson…


I took my friends to experience the joy of Paleteria El Chavo as quickly as I could after my last visit. On my recommendation, one tried the gansito flavor (a win) and one got a gaudy sundae (less of a win combining chocolate toppings with non-dairy fruit flavors). I decided to try paletas (popsicles). I’ve heard about the magical paletas from the BIG local paleteria, and whaddaya know, El Chavo sells Tropicana’s magical treats! I peered in the case and ordered two popsicles: cookies n cream and pina colada. WOW! Both were made with an ice cream (dairy) base and were soooo creamy and delicious. I’d recommend trying any flavors, and DEFINITELY pick them based on looks! My lips burn when I suck on pineapple popsicles tho, so maybe keep that in mind. (Maybe I should go to a doctor?)


Here are my friends’ significantly more photogenic orders. I hear that the lime is tart and the mango is sweet!



Waffle Wednesday with a tWist

Waffle Wednesday with a tWist